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About us


Profil szerkesztése Jelszó módosítása


Summery in English


Our school was represented in the Erasmus + by 13 persons in the project time between 2015 and 2017. Thanks to the fund, 13 mobility are accomplished in 6 different countries. This was the first winning project of the school, although another fund was acquired for the period between 2016 and 2018.  So, the development started to continue. 

The primary goal of the current project is to provide foreign language teachers and subject in English language teachers opportunity of further training and to develop their competences. 5 persons studied in the UK., 2 in Germany, 2 in Latvia, 2 in Italy, 1 in Spain and 1 in France. The curiosity of the Latvian mobility is that it offered opportunity for our teacher of Russian within the EU. 

The courses lasted for 2 weeks and the majority of them were organised in the summer of 2016. Based on their contents, there were general language seminars and sessions in history and in business English. In every case, the courses contained general language training, general studies on the country and other social programmes which gave help to explore the countries’ culture.

The major aim of our project was to bring European outlook, methodological reform, change of perspective and modernisation into our institution.  One of our school’s strength is the language teaching profile, therefore it is natural that we aimed first at the professional training of our language teachers. One of the benefits of the project is that our colleagues explored new methods, tools, applications or online resources on each and every course, which they probably will apply on their own lessons as well. These new skills will further strengthen the good reputation of the Xántus János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Középiskola, according to which it is worth passing the final exams here.

We think, that we can we can get further funds in the future, due to which there will be more opportunites to send more teachers to abroad achieving that the majority of our school’s language teachers participate in an EU-course. If this goal was reached it would serve the long-term maintainability of the achievements of this project.